Monday, April 29, 2013

What's this? News? Well I never...

Hey Alcoholics,

Long time no post. I would like to apologise (sincerely, I am sorry) for the complete lack of updates on our behalf. The person responsible has been fired (joking, else I'd have to fire myself). Anyway, there is a rather good reason for the lack of posts and it is as follows:

Story didn't work.

Ok, so I'll break that down a little more. We had an idea. We got people exited with our idea. We produced a crapload of art and assets and moved as quickly as we could to get some renders to show people how cool our idea was. We came across a couple of little niggly plot holes and patched them up real quick and kept the train rolling. More holes, more dirty patch jobs etc. Anyway, we had an epic on our hands with some rather big story problems. So we went back to the script. We rewrote.


And then we went back to our (actually non existant) storyboards and we drew.


and then we animated.

And then we lit, rendered and composited.


And now I am happy to present to you SC14_SH01_giantSquidly.

That about exhausts the updates for the moment though.


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